Square Root Business Centre is run with the environment in mind. Several measures are in place to try and reduce our environmental impact.

The centre benefits from....
- Very good natural lighting, the centre is built with over 700 panes of tinted glass.
- All the glass is either double glazed or has an insulated back panel.
- All the radiators have individual thermostat controls.
- The central heating control system optimises the outside temperature with the inside temperature for maximum efficiency.
- All lighting and air conditioning equipment which needs to be replaced is replaced with an energy efficient unit.
- Most of the offices are air conditioned. To limit the effects of this on the environment we have installed units with individual controls so they are only on where and when they are needed. Most offices also have opening windows.
- Low energy lighting is used throughout the building where possible.
- Movement sensor lighting controls are used in some of the communal areas.
- Square Root design and print their literature in short runs to reduce waste and also so it can be recycled easily.
- Awareness signs in every office and communal area.
- Our refuse is collected by a company that aims to recycles 90% of the waste.
- Water management systems throughout the centre to cut down on water waste.

Future developments under consideration include....
- Installing solar power to reduce electricity consumption.